H1875 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


01875darash {daw-rash'} 字根型;TWOT-455;动词 AV-seek 84,enquire 43,require 12,search 7,misc 18;164


01875darash {daw-rash'} a primitive root;TWOT-455;v AV-seek 84,enquire 43,require 12,search 7,misc 18;164

1)to resort to,seek,seek with care,enquire,require
--1a1)to resort to,frequent (a place),(tread a place)
--1a2)to consult,enquire of,seek
--1a2a)of God
--1a2b)of heathen gods,necromancers
--1a3)to seek deity in prayer and worship
--1a3b)heathen deities
--1a4)to seek (with a demand),demand,require
--1a5)to investigate,enquire
--1a6)to ask for,require,demand
--1a7)to practice,study,follow,seek with application
--1a8)to seek with care,care for
--1b1)to allow oneself to be enquired of,consulted (only of God)
--1b2)to be sought,be sought out
--1b3)to be required (of blood)